Make Safety a Top Priority No matter what type of fireplace you have it is important to do periodic checks in order to maintain safety. In doing this, it is important that you become familiar with The Bio Flame fireplace and its procedures. Please keep this safety checklist in mind when using The Bio Flame fireplace:
  • Always take a moment to look over and inspect the burner on your fireplace. You want to ensure that everything is in good working order. Make sure the shut-off mechanism works as it should, you have access to the filling point, nothing has been damaged, and that there is nothing that has fallen into the system.
  • Starting by lifting the burner out, inspect the installation areas all around. Check to make sure there isn’t any fuel that may be a building up.
  • Refer to the fireplace manual for specific instructions and procedures for your model. If you don’t have it handy you can always find it on our Website.
  • Keep your fireplace well maintained. You can help do this by keeping it clean.
  • Be sure you have all the appropriate tools to use in order to safely use your fireplace, including a no-spill jerry or jelly can, lighter and lightning rod, and a fire extinguisher.
  • Fuel should be stored according to regulations. These can be provided to when purchasing the fuel.
  • Evaluate the space around your fireplace to ensure nothing flammable is within reach. Ideally, have nothing within six inches of the fireplace at all times.
  • Keep routine safety procedures in mind, such as cautioning children around them and not leaving them alone with the fireplace, not overfilling your burner, never leaving the fireplace unattended, and not filling the burner when it is hot.
Keeping these important safety tips in mind will help keep your fireplace working great and ensure you get the most enjoyment out of it!     About The Bio Flame Since 2007 The Bio Flame has been creating unique, eco-friendly, ethanol fireplaces. Bio Flame designers and engineers have continued to set the highest standards of bio ethanol burning fireplaces in the industry with custom designs and record breaking innovations. The Bio Flame has gained great popularity amongst homebuilders, hotels/resorts and designers. Like what we’ve got to say? Come follow us on Twitter | Facebook | Tumblr | YouTube | Instagram | Pinterest